maanantai 26. lokakuuta 2015

Keeping track of an ideas

When I come up with an idea most important thing for me is to write it down with a brief description as soon as possible. I have noticed that it is very important to write down, draw or even use recorder to store the idea. Otherwise the idea may be long forgotten, because there will be many other ideas coming as well and human mind is poor on keeping track of a list of ideas. Actually any list, if I go to grocery without a list I can be quite sure that I will not remember all the things that I need to buy.
I have noticed that for me the best way to list ideas is to write them to a small notebook. This way you can quickly write the idea down and make even a simple drawing if necessary. However I don’t carry always a notebook with me so smart phone will do as well. The most important thing is to keep all the idea in same place. I have excel sheet on my computer that I collect all the ideas. It won’t help me if the ideas are scattered in different notebooks and smartphone. Especially if the notebook somehow ends up as a drawing paper for my children. Although they could end up on creating some interesting ideas as well.
I will keep a collection of ideas which then works as a sort of to-do list. Every once in a while I go through the list and try to prioritize the list and think what ideas I should use in my current game. Even if some ideas won’t fit in the current game I am developing I won’t discard them. They may become useful later on with other games.
Of course people have different ways to keep track of things, but for me listing them works for the best. I don’t need even to write the idea with detail, because somehow when I see the listed idea I usually immediately remember what it was about. Strange thing the human mind is…

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